Natural Stockcare Sheep Boost with Copper by Natural Stockcare
- Description
Sheep Boost with Copper is a highly bioavailable oral drench for sheep that require copper to be used as a conditioning drench in the lead up to tupping, mid pregnancy and pre lambing. It is also ideal for giving a boost to growing lambs.
Sheep boost with copper conatins protected trace elements (Cobalt, Copper, Zinc an manganese) for maximum improved bioavailability. Animals can readily absorb and better retain these substances for use during stress. These trace elements also help to improve fertility, the ability of the animal to deal with infections and hoof & hair quality to promote thriving flocks.
Sheep boost with Copperalso helps maintain normal brian function and supports joint development due to the inclusion of fish Oils which are high in Omega 3 & 6. It also contains high levels of vitamins.
Dose Rate
Ewes - 7.5ml per adult (75kg)
Tups - 7.5ml 4 - 6 weeks prior to tupping
Lambs - 1.5ml up to 10kg / 2.5ml up to 20kg (at 2/3 month intervals)